
Springer y Manoah ayudan a Azulejos a vencer 3-0 a Yanquis

NUEVA YORK (AP) — George Springer respondió a los abucheos de los fanáticos con un jonrón de dos carreras y un doblete productor, y los Azulejos de Toronto hicieron tres brillantes jugadas defensivas para blanquear el lunes 3-0 a los Yanquis de Nueva York.Alek Manoah (1-0) toleró un imparable en seis entradas, un sencillo de Joey Gallo al jardín contrario con un out en la segunda entrada, superando los seis episodios en blanco con pelota de dos hits que registró en su debut en el Bronx el 27 de mayo.El derecho de 24 años ponchó a siete y salió airoso de las cuatro bases por bolas que concedió, ayudando a los Azulejos a extender su racha de victorias en el Yankee Stadium a cinco partidos.Springer sigue siendo víctima de abucheos de los aficionados por su participación con los Astros de Houston en la postemporada de 2017, acusados por las Grandes Ligas de robar señales con una cámara no autorizada.Los fanáticos abuchearon a Springer en cada uno de sus turnos, pero a pesar de ello sólo le faltó un triple para completar el ciclo en su primera posición en el orden al bate. El dominicano Santiago Espinal, noveno en el orden, conectó tres sencillos para los Azulejos.Después de un sencillo de Espinal en la tercera entrada, Springer envió un slider de Jameson Taillon (0-1) a las gradas del jardín izquierdo para su segundo jonrón en dos días.Por los Azulejos, los dominicanos Espinal de 3-3, con 2 anotadas, y Teoscar Hernández de 4-3; el cubano Lourdes Gurriel de 4-1; y el mexicano Alejandro Kirk, de 4-0.Por los Yanquis, los venezolanos Gleyber Torres de 4-1 y Marwin González de 1-0.APSeguí leyendoEl cuchillo de las Malvinas: fue forjado por artesanos de todo el país y será subastadoNetflix canceló una de las series más vistas de 2022 tras su primera temporadaRenunciaron a sus trabajos en multinacionales y cumplieron el sueño de sus vidas: “No éramos felices”Conforme a los criterios deConocé The Trust ProjectTemasNotas servicios



Mercados argentinos-¿qué dicen los analistas? semana del 11 al 15 de abril

BUENOS AIRES, 11 abr (Reuters) – Analistas opinan sobre el
futuro de la economía de Argentina a la espera de un dato de
inflación de marzo que rondaría el 6%, en medio de dudas sobre
el futuro económico del país pese a un reciente acuerdo con el
Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) por 44.0000 millones de
dólares.Los interrogantes sobre el cumplimiento de las metas fijadas
con el organismo internacional de crédito pone un manto de
cautela entre los inversores.Los enfrentamientos bélicos en Ucrania y sus consecuencias
mantenían la atención global. Tropas ucranianas rechazaron
varios asaltos rusos en el este del país, según informó el lunes
la inteligencia británica, mientras que el presidente Volodímir
Zelenski dijo que miles de soldados rusos se estaban
concentrando para una nueva ofensiva.Los mercados argentinos no operarán jueves y viernes por las
celebraciones religiosas de “Semana Santa”.* El Centro de Estudios de la Nueva Economía (CENE) de la
Universidad de Belgrano sostuvo que sus proyecciones para marzo
alcanzan un 6,1% de alza de precios al consumidor.”Esta aceleración es atribuible, en primer lugar, al impacto
de los aumentos en los combustibles, las tarifas, las prepagas y
la educación, que estaban previstos. A ello se sumó el
incremento en los precios de las ‘commodities’, por efecto de la
guerra en Ucrania”, dijo Beker, director del CENE.* “Las perspectivas inflacionarias continúan deslizándose al
alza por encima del 60%”, dijo la consultora Delphos Investment
y señaló que “en el aspecto monetario, la esterilización durante
el primer trimestre de este año estuvo a cargo del Tesoro en
lugar del Banco Central. Sin embargo, el BCRA retomaría su rol
contractivo en materia monetaria en los próximos meses, al
tiempo que decidiría nuevas subas de las tasas de interés para
no perderle pisada al ritmo inflacionario”.* “Las bajas expectativas de cumplimiento del acuerdo con el
FMI en materia fiscal y monetaria -agravadas por la guerra en
Europa-, la elevada inflación en el punto de partida, la
necesidad de recomponer algunos precios relativos luego del
fracaso de las anclas nominales ‘electorales’, son algunos de
los elementos que sugieren que, una vez más, las pautas de
inflación oficiales serán superadas por la realidad”, dijo
Daniel Artana, de FIEL.”La posibilidad de ir cumpliendo las pautas del plan con el
FMI de equilibrio financiero podría dar pie a mayor estabilidad
y chances de recuperación de valor en los sufridos papeles
locales”, dijo VatNet research, aunque señaló que “sin embargo,
las acendradas disputas políticas y sociales agregan otro factor
de tensión ante el eventual surgimiento de novedades
inesperadas, sugiriendo la conveniencia de una estrategia
preponderantemente conservadora”.* “Argentina ha probado hasta ahora con recetas mágicas:
dólar fijo, tasas de interés, precios máximos o cuidados.
Siempre visiones parciales de la realidad, en vez de tener un
programa antiinflacionario integral y convergente: todas las
variables –fiscal, monetaria, cambiaria, ingresos- deben apuntar
a una inflación descendente que ancle las expectativas, que
ahora se mueven como un barco sin rumbo, sin un sendero
correcto”, dijo en declaraciones radiales el ex presidente del
Banco central (BCRA) Martín Redrado.* “A la espera del dato de inflación (…), que se descuenta
mostraría una aceleración, los operadores se encuentran atentos
al mayor ritmo que viene desplegando el banco central (BCRA) en
el ‘crawling-peg’, y como correlato de todo ello una posible
nueva suba en la tasa”, señaló Gustavo Ber, de Estudio Ber.* “Cuando hablan de programas mágicos que resuelven de la
inflación de la noche a la mañana, como la dolarización, hay que
tener en cuenta qué efectos tiene eso en los ingresos de las
personas. ¿A qué tipo de cambio dolarizaríamos? La pauperización
de nuestros ingresos es la discusión más importante, más allá de
una solución mágica que sabemos que no existe en la economía”,
estimó en declaraciones radiales la economista Candelaria Botto.* “La urgencia por conseguir resultados en el corto plazo
tiende a subestimar los costos de mediado plazo y sobrevalorar
los beneficios de corto plazo. Pero aun así, las actuales
restricciones del ‘start up’ harían muy difícil la
implementación de la dolarización a corto plazo por los costos
que ello implica”, dijo Gustavo Reyes, de IERAL de Fundación
Mediterránea.* “La autoridad (BCRA) monetaria mantiene su postura
compradora en el mercado único y libre de cambios -MULC-, pero
con un margen de maniobra cada vez mas limitado”, estimó
Portfolio Personal Inversiones.”Las primeras ruedas de abril están siendo marcadas por una
menor liquidación del agro. El sector agroexportador viene
liquidando a un ritmo promedio diario de 138 millones de dólares
retrocediendo con respecto al promedio diario de marzo en 142
millones”, explicó.* “Si bien la economía retornará a sus niveles máximos el
próximo año, esto no indica que ya se haya recuperado el terreno
perdido en los últimos años: por un lado, el consumo distará de
ser lo que era entonces, debido a un salario real que lejos
estará de empardar su nivel de 2017; por otro, se dará en un
contexto de pobreza más de 10 pp superior. Ambos síntomas
reflejan el principal problema: la población habrá crecido 6% en
el período, por lo que la misma torta se tendrá que repartir
entre más gente”, estimó Ecolatina.(Reporte de Walter Bianchi;
Editado por Lucila Sigal)ReutersSeguí leyendoEl cuchillo de las Malvinas: fue forjado por artesanos de todo el país y será subastadoNetflix canceló una de las series más vistas de 2022 tras su primera temporadaRenunciaron a sus trabajos en multinacionales y cumplieron el sueño de sus vidas: “No éramos felices”Conforme a los criterios deConocé The Trust ProjectTemasNotas servicios



Víctor Trujillo’s harsh comment against Claudia Sheinbaum after support for Mandate Revocation

On April 10, the Mandate Revocation exercise was held to determine whether the population wanted Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) to continue as president of the Republic or not, which, despite the obstacles, developed normally.Several politicians and supporters of the Fourth Transformation (Q4) began to publish photographs at the polls, with their fingers painted; as well as some notes about how the day was going on in places close to their location.However, they also took advantage of social networks to recriminate to the National Electoral Institute (INE) the alleged violations of democracy it carried out in order to prevent the holding of this consultation.“Long live democracy! #SomosMillonesConAMLO,” wrote the head of government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, through her social networks, along with a text signed by governors and governors of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena).(Foto: Twitter)With this document they announced their support for the President of the Republic and it was the appropriate document to attack the INE. Although they stated their mistakes in the organization, they presumed that citizen participation was a success.“Despite the fact that the INE did everything to prevent the participation of the people: such as the appointment of the date on the Sunday before Easter, the installation of a third of the squares regarding a constitutional election, its remoteness and poor location, the failure to previously inform the location of the same, as well as the changes at the last minute; despite all this, the people voted and ratified our president,” declared the capital’s president.For these statements, the communicator Víctor Trujillo, a strong opponent of Q4, decided to share the publication of the capital’s president in order to make a harsh and acid comment against her for having questioned the role of the INE in this process.Users of this social network applauded the concise words of the creator of the character Brozo and made other comments against AMLO, the alleged low participation, as well as a video that elections of the Popular Consultation that was used as fake news to ensure that polling officials filled the ballot boxes with unused ballots.(Foto: Twitter)Hours after the formal closure of the polls took place, the National Electoral Institute (INE) reported that the consultation to which the president submitted had obtained, in a preliminary manner, the participation of 13 million 200 thousand 427 people. Of these figures, 928,022 (7.03%) were for the revocation of the Tabasqueño mandate; 12,067,568 (91.42%) to continue; finally, 204,837 (1.55%) invalid votes.Despite these data, which would exceed the expectations of many people, the opponents were not satisfied and decided to criticize the participation. Among the messages were those of influencer Chumel Torres, who throughout the day sent comments against the Revocation of Mandate.In the first instance, he made a joke about the number of votes cast, assuring that the job of the person in charge of counting them will be very simple, since there would be only 29 ballots. “I wish you that your work tomorrow will be as simple as that of the bastard who has to count the 29 votes of the revocation of the mandate,” he wrote.Later, he ironized about the number of Mexicans who decided not to exercise their right to vote. “8 out of 10 Mexicans decided not to participate in this nonsense. It’s a good thing that 8 out of 10 Mexicans are Mexicans,” said the host of the program El Pulso de la República.KEEP READINGAMLO celebrated victory in revocation of mandate: “I’m not going to betray you”José Ramón López Beltrán celebrated the majority of AMLO in revocation of mandate: “Stellar moments”Epigmenio Ibarra criticized the INE after the closure of the Mandate Revocation: “Ideologue of the Anti-Democratic Deed”


Agencias juegos panamericanos

La OTAN planea una presencia militar a gran escala en la frontera con Rusia -The Telegraph

FOTO DE ARCHIVO: El secretario general de la OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, asiste a una reunión de ministros de Asuntos Exteriores de la OTAN, durante la invasión rusa de Ucrania, en la sede de la OTAN en Bruselas, Bélgica, 7 de abril de 2022. REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein11 abr (Reuters) – La OTAN está elaborando planes para desplegar una presencia militar a gran escala en su frontera con Rusia, en un esfuerzo por combatir posibles futuras agresiones del país, informó el diario británico The Telegraph el sábado citando al secretario general de la alianza, Jens Stoltenberg.La OTAN está “en medio de una transformación muy fundamental” que reflejará “las consecuencias a largo plazo” de las acciones del presidente ruso Vladimir Putin, dijo Stoltenberg en una entrevista con el periódico.”Lo que vemos ahora es una nueva realidad, una nueva normalidad para la seguridad europea. Por lo tanto, hemos pedido a nuestros comandantes que proporcionen opciones para lo que llamamos un reinicio, una adaptación a largo plazo de la OTAN”, dijo Stoltenberg.Jens Stoltenberg, que recientemente dijo que prorrogaría un año su mandato al frente de la alianza, también dijo en la entrevista que las decisiones sobre el reajuste se tomarían en una cumbre de la OTAN que se celebrará en Madrid en junio.La invasión rusa de Ucrania ha desencadenado la mayor crisis de refugiados de Europa desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial y ha llevado a las naciones occidentales a replantearse sus políticas de defensa.(Reporte de Maria Ponnezhath en Bengaluru; edición de Daniel Wallis y John Stonestreet; traducción de Flora Gómez)



Aníbal Torres: “There is no fear here. I’m standing very firm”

The president of the Council of Ministers has been the target of criticism in recent days not only because of the measures adopted by the government to stop the demonstrations, but also because of the comments made during their interventions. In this regard, Aníbal Torres pointed out that he receives all the criticism that is said about him, including those that he describes as coming from “coup voices”. “It is not that we are dying of fear, there is no fear here, as you see. I am standing very firmly, I am not trembling no matter how much criticism there is because we are willing, if possible, to give our lives for the people,” he said from Puno where the fifth decentralized Council of Ministers was held.During the event, he recalled that the previous day, from Junín, a similar event had been held where the demands of authorities and leaders were heard. Torres, assured that among the attendees “the majority” was “in favor of our government”. In addition, he referred to the voices against it, including the request of an authority to President Pedro Castillo to resign from the position for which he was elected.“But there were coup voices which we have also heard because they are Peruvian and have the right to say. But what was broadcast yesterday afternoon in the media? Only what the coup leaders said, not what others said,” he said criticizing journalistic work, a fact that he has repeated since the government took office.Leaders shout and demand Pedro Castillo as soon as he arrives in Huancayo | VIDEO: Canal NRegarding the possibility of closing Congress due to the constant clashes between the two powers over the past eight months, Torres said that Castillo’s government is democratic and that it is not seek dissolution to happen, despite being a power granted by the Constitution. “We have to overcome hatreds, grudges, we have to overcome political failures, political defeats that are temporary and we all have to agree by putting Peru ahead,” he said.ORDER “COUP PISTA”The Council of Ministers held on Thursday in the city of Huancayo was marked by anecdotes such as the intervention of Minister Betssy Chávez, the intervention of Dina Boluarte singing the popular mulliza “Falsia” and the emulation of Aníbal Torres, who is remembered as one of the greatest genocides in the history of humanity, Adolfo Hitler. However, one of the most uncomfortable moments for government representatives was the intervention of leaders Eduardo Sauñí and Carlos Garagatti, who asked Pedro Castillo to resign. “We don’t have anything to eat Mr. President, my daughter would tell me that if I started a conversation with the president, he would tell me ‘tell the president to step side’, that’s what the people ask, with all due respect, I’m going to ask him to step aside and call for new elections,” Sauñí said at Huanca Stadium. .Aníbal Torres defends Hitler's speech in Puno | VIDEO: Canal NShortly after, he regretted the premier’s comments by recommending that the population eat fish in the face of rising chicken prices. “Every day you disrespect us, how can you say you eat fish, because it’s not enough for chicken. They say it’s a global problem, but what are we doing, let’s hope people make stoppages,” he said.“Mr. Castillo, ministers, let us put on the shirt of Junín and the country, otherwise, as a civil society, we will have to ask you for the welfare of us and the country, to step aside,” Garagatti said at the time of his speech.KEEP READINGSupporters of President Pedro Castillo tried to attack Lourdes Flores Nano in march against the governmentMinister Alejandro Salas: “President Castillo is not going to resign”Diego Bazán: “President Pedro Castillo should have been vacated a long time ago” | INTERVIEW



Raúl Romero is upset and retires from the stage because he was shouted “ugly” during a show in Arequipa

Raúl Romero, singer and renowned host of Habacilar lost his patience during Juntos x el Rock, a concert he gave in Arequipa on March 26 with Amen and other invited groups, after the audience shouted “ugly” at him when the first song of his presentation ended.As you can see in the pictures, once his theme song was over, the audience started shouting “ugly” instead of applauding him. This aroused the curiosity of the former vocalist of the Nosequins and the Nosequantos, since he was the only singer who had such a reception unlike other artists who stepped on it. decking.“Oh? Ugly? They are a playful audience, all because they have paid 50 soles. What a smell***. They like ugly ugly, they like the joke. Well, let’s start again,” he said to start again with his show; however, this time he purposely misled to annoy the public. “Good night, Cusco!” , he shouted.This joke caused the attendees to yell “ugly” at him again, which caused Romero to make more jokes about Arequipa. After that, he gave an unusual message: “What singers would allow themselves to joke with the audience like that? They want me, egg***. And I love you, that’s why I tell you, which singer is greeted with ugly, ugly?” .Raúl Romero se presentó en el BTH Hotel Arequipa Lake, el pasado 26 de marzo, junto a otros grupos invitados. (Foto: Captura TikTok/@elvia_up)Tired of talking instead of singing his best hits, Raúl Romero was encouraged to ask: “Who wants me to sing? Let him raise his hand who wants to speak egg***”. Seeing that the majority raised their hands for the second option, the former presenter retired from the stage, throwing the microphone along the way. “Don’t even talk to me, it’s not worth me or m*** (50 soles), it’s not worth anything, with****,” he said at his departure. However, he returned to the stage a few seconds later to continue the show. “They were saved because they already paid me the full contract, so we sang,” he added, making the audience laugh.The images of his presentation soon went viral on TikTok. Although some users believed that Raúl had been angry with the public, the truth is that it was all part of his show. Let’s remember that Romero has accustomed his followers to a singular sense of humor, which he does not hesitate to reflect it in his live concerts.Raúl Romero is upset with the public because they yelled “ugly” at him during a show in Arequipa. (VIDEO: Youtube/ @Blog del Vago – Concerts and Events in Arequipa)WHY DID YOU LEAVE NSQ AND THE NSQ? The group won the hearts of its fans thanks to their live concerts for more than 20 years. However, in 2011, the members decided to take a break. This would have motivated Raúl Romero to leave the band along with his aspiration to become a soloist. In 2013, he announced their definitive separation of the Noseuquans and the Nosecuantos.This is how, in 2014 the popular ‘Cara de Haba’ was released as a soloist so as not to leave one of his great passions as music. In addition, he released his first solo debut album called “Solito” which is in the salsa genre.“The decision to go out as a soloist implies a break with the group, at least, a chapter closure. Those who want to see the Nosewho are going to meet only Raul. I haven’t left the group to be the former singer of the Noseiqui and the great memories. I am betting on a new product,” he said at the time in an interview with RPP.KEEP READING:Magaly Medina teases Brunella Horna for not committing to Richard Acuña after 4 years togetherMagaly Medina recalled that Ethel Pozo and Julián Alexander got engaged after 4 months of relationship: “They are quite intense”This is Guerra: Rafael Cardozo pushes Facundo González hard in the middle of competition and receives heavy sanction



Dizzee Rascal es sentenciado por agredir a exprometida

LONDRES (AP) — Dizzee Rascal fue sentenciado el viernes a un toque de queda y una orden de alejamiento por agredir a su exprometida.Una jueza de la Corte de Magistrados de Croydon, en el sur de Londres, le dijo al rapero británico que debe cumplir un toque de queda de 24 semanas y usar un dispositivo de monitoreo electrónico. También le impuso una orden de alejamiento de 12 meses.El músico de 37 años, cuyo verdadero nombre es Dylan Kwabena Mills, fue condenado el mes pasado por golpear con la cabeza a Cassandra Jones en una casa en el sur de Londres en junio. Los fiscales dijeron que presionó su frente contra la de ella y la empujó al suelo durante una discusión “caótica” sobre el dinero y los arreglos de custodia de sus dos hijos.Cuando llegó la policía, a la que llamaron los vecinos, Mills dijo: “Yo soy el agresor”. Pero en un interrogatorio posterior negó las acusaciones y afirmó que Jones lo había agredido a él.En su sentencia del viernes, la jueza de distrito Polly Gledhill dijo que quería que Mills trabajara en cómo piensa y se comporta, ya que “perdió los estribos y usó la violencia”.Le dijo al rapero que él no había mostrado “ningún remordimiento por este asunto” y que seguía “culpando a la señora Jones, la víctima en este caso”.Dizzee Rascal lanzó su álbum debut, “Boy in Da Corner”, en 2003 y fue una de las primeras estrellas emergentes del género británico de hip hop conocido como grime. Sus éxitos incluyen “Bonkers” y “Dance Wiv Me”.APSeguí leyendoEl cuchillo de las Malvinas: fue forjado por artesanos de todo el país y será subastadoNetflix canceló una de las series más vistas de 2022 tras su primera temporadaRenunciaron a sus trabajos en multinacionales y cumplieron el sueño de sus vidas: “No éramos felices”Conforme a los criterios deConocé The Trust ProjectTemasNotas servicios



INE ordered to remove spots from the PAN and MC for slanderous expressions in Tamaulipas and Aguascalientes

Leticia Gonzalez, selected as a polling station officer by the National Electoral Institute (INE) receives voting materials ahead of the mid-term elections on June 6, in Juarez, on the outskirts of Monterrey, Mexico June 3, 2021. REUTERS/Daniel BecerrilIn compliance with a ruling by the Electoral Tribunal of the Federation Judiciary (TEPJF), the National Electoral Institute (INE) issued precautionary measures to withdraw two promotional measures: one from the Citizen Movement (MC) and another from the National Action Party (PAN).According to the statement of the autonomous body, in both cases, the promotional ones will be withdrawn because they contain such libelous offenses, while in one of them it was for the allegation of a crime or false act.In the first case, the PAN denounced the MC for slander, resulting from the dissemination of the promotional entitled Contraste Aguascalientes, in its version for radio and television, to the detriment of the blue and white candidate for the governorship of the entity María Teresa Jiménez. This complaint was analyzed by the INE Complaints and Complaints Commission, which determined that it was inadmissible. However, the Superior Chamber of the TEPJF revoked the agreement of inappropriateness, arguing that “there is a risk that transcends the greater impairment of a right or a substantial principle in electoral matters.”La panista Teresa Jiménez busca gobernar el estado (Foto: Twitter@TereJimenezE)This “must be protected in order to avoid statements that could negatively affect free and informed voting”, since the ad included the following phrase: “If this is how she stole as mayor, imagine yourself as governor”, which preliminarily constitutes the charge of a crime or false act against the PAN candidate.Therefore, MC must withdraw this promotional within 12 hours and replace it with generic material. Meanwhile, the INE will do the corresponding action by informing concessionaires who do not disseminate the promotional through the Office of the Executive Directorate of Prerogatives and Political Parties.On the other hand, in the state of Tamaulipas, the PAN was ordered to withdraw promotional, this time for containing slanderous expressions against several officials belonging to the Movimiento Regeneración Nacional party (Morena).La Comisión de Quejas y Denuncias del Instituto está presidida por la consejera Claudia Zavala (FOTO: ISAAC ESQUIVEL /CUARTOSCURO.COM,)Isaac Esquivel | Isaac EsquivelThis complaint was filed by Morena’s deputy, Erasmo González Robledo, for alleged slander in the promo CAM TAM S1 and CAM TAM S2, in which it is stated that the deputy and other party characters are linked to drug trafficking and are part of organized crime.Among the phrases are: “they are part of organized crime” or “They were paid for their political careers, used their private planes, luxury armored vans and more.” The members of the Commission determined that the precautionary measures requested should be granted because the above-mentioned phrases do not find coverage in the freedom of expression and the right to information, since “they could constitute the charge of a crime or false act against” the deputy “without there being a minimum of truthfulness in respect of the facts that would allow these claims to be supported”.Therefore, the PAN was ordered to replace the promotional with generic or reserve material for the CAM TAM S1 content in its television version, while the Commission determined that in CAM TAM S2, it contained critical expressions of opinion of the broadcasting party regarding the way the Morena governments have developed in the region.Therefore, the imputation of false facts or crimes to a particular person was not clearly noticed in the second promotional.KEEP READING:“Offended and concerned”: the INE’s feelings regarding the revocation of the mandateINE imposed measures against Adam Augustus for promoting the Revocation of MandateCórdova and Murayama, close to saying goodbye to the INE; Deputies will propose the new presiding councillor


Agencias juegos panamericanos

La UE adopta nuevas sanciones contra Rusia que incluyen la prohibición de importar carbón

Trenes en la mina a cielo abierto Borodinsky, propiedad de la Compañía de Energía de Carbón de Siberia (SUEK), cerca de la ciudad siberiana de Borodino al este de Krasnoyarsk, Rusia 26 de febrero de 2019. REUTERS/Ilya Naymushin8 abr (Reuters) – La Unión Europea adoptó formalmente el viernes su quinto paquete de sanciones contra Rusia, que incluye la prohibición de importar carbón, madera, productos químicos y otros productos.Las medidas también impiden que muchos buques y camiones rusos accedan a la UE, lo que paraliza aún más el comercio, y prohibirán todas las transacciones con cuatro bancos rusos, incluido el VTB.La prohibición de las importaciones de carbón será plenamente efectiva a partir de la segunda semana de agosto. No se podrán firmar nuevos contratos a partir del viernes, fecha en que se publicarán las sanciones en el diario oficial de la UE.Los contratos existentes tendrán que rescindirse antes de la segunda semana de agosto, lo que significa que Rusia podrá seguir recibiendo pagos de la UE por las exportaciones de carbón hasta entonces.”Estas últimas sanciones se han adoptado a raíz de las atrocidades cometidas por las fuerzas armadas rusas en Bucha y otros lugares bajo ocupación rusa”, declaró el máximo responsable de la diplomacia de la UE, Josep Borrell, en un comunicado.El Kremlin ha dicho que las acusaciones occidentales de que las fuerzas rusas cometieron crímenes de guerra al ejecutar a civiles en la ciudad ucraniana de Bucha eran una “monstruosa falsificación” destinada a denigrar al ejército ruso.Además del carbón, las nuevas sanciones de la UE prohíben la importación desde Rusia de muchas otras materias primas y productos, como madera, cemento, fertilizantes, marisco y licores, por un valor total estimado en 5.500 millones de euros (5.900 millones de dólares) al año.La UE también ha restringido la exportación a Rusia de una serie de productos, como combustible para aviones, ordenadores cuánticos, semiconductores avanzados, productos electrónicos de alta gama, programas informáticos, maquinaria delicada y equipos de transporte, por un valor total de 10.000 millones de euros al año.(1 dólar = 0,9197 euros)(Información de FRancesco Guarascio y Bart Meijer; edición de Philip Blenkinsop y Andrew Heavens, traducido por José Muñoz en la redacción de Gdańsk)



UN Women and the International Olympic Committee facilitated the opening of sports spaces for 1,236 girls from vulnerable neighborhoods

In Argentina, 60 per cent of adolescents aged 13 to 17 do not engage in any extracurricular physical or sports activity. By focusing on women, the percentage rises to 70%. These data are from the Social Observatory of Sport, which is managed by the Institute of Higher Social Studies of the University of San Martín and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Nation. In addition, of the total number of adolescents who do not engage in any extracurricular physical activity, 74.2 per cent belong to the lowest socio-economic level and 71.7 per cent live in villages or settlements. In response to this problem, UN Women and the International Olympic Committee decided to implement the One Victory Leads to Another (UVLO) program in the City of Buenos Aires. The initiative is to create physically and emotionally safe spaces for sports in order to strengthen leadership, self-esteem, health, economic empowerment and the prevention of gender-based violence. It is a proposal designed for girls from 13 to 18 years old living in vulnerable neighborhoods. UVLO emerged in Brazil as a social legacy of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. In Argentina, it was thought of implementing it after the Youth Olympic Games, which took place in 2018, and finally took place in 2021.Con el apoyo de ONU Mujeres, el Comité Olímpico Internacional y otras entidades internacionales, 46 organizaciones comunitarias de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires abrieron espacios deportivos para 1.236 chicas de entre 13 y 18 años durante 2021 (Imagen: gentileza Una Victoria Lleva a la Otra)
Globally, Unicef estimates that girls spend 40% more time on caregiving than boys. More housework means less time to play, learn and play sports. Inequality grows as girls grow older, as when they are between 10 and 14 years old they spend 50% more time on caregiving. In the transition to adolescence, women receive less incentive than their male peers to develop sports skills, have less autonomy over their bodies and face the responsibility of protecting their sexual and reproductive health. Sport, in addition to promoting physical and mental health, is a powerful tool to break down gender stereotypes and roles that generate discrimination, violence and inequalities. According to the Fiscal Unit Specialized in Violence Against Women, about 90% of victims of sexual violence in the country are women. Almost 40% are under 18 years of age. The objective of UVLO is to disarm gender inequalities and stereotypes and to promote full development in adolescence and a life free from discrimination and violence.During 2021, the initiative was implemented in the City of Buenos Aires with the support of Women Win and in conjunction with the Foundation for the Study and Research of Women (FEIM), SES Foundation – Sustainability, Education, Solidarity and the Ministry of Human Development and Habitat of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires. Workshops and sports practices were held in 46 community organizations to contribute to the comprehensive education of young women in four thematic areas: leadership and self-esteem; sexual and reproductive health and rights; rights and elimination of violence against women and girls; and professional and financial goals and planning.Spaces for them“We started from the diagnosis that there were no spaces for teenagers, in general, in popular neighborhoods. By focusing on the girls, you can see that they were engaged in care or household chores. There were no recreational or sports proposals for them,” says Nayla Procopio, coordinator of UVLO implementation by FEIM.During the first year of the pandemic, a mapping was carried out to learn about the organizations and see if it was possible to implement the program. Then the bases and joints were put together. In January 2021, the proposal to launch it began to be finalized.Training for facilitators and trainers began on 26 January. The first phase of training included 10 virtual meetings by the organization Empodera, which had already implemented the program in Brazil. There, the intention was to transmit the methodology of the program and reflect on why it is an exclusive sports program for girls, to think about how to create physically and emotionally safe spaces for the program’s participants and how to act in cases of abuse and share experiences and learn from the different pedagogical and implementation of the program.One of the challenges faced by the program at the local level had to do with the heterogeneity of the 46 organizations involved. “There were everything from clubs that had more structure and experience to dining rooms that for the first time were encouraged to offer activities to teenagers. Some organizations had their own facilities to develop the proposal and others went to public courts or large parks,” says Procopio.Las adolescentes le dedican un 50 % más de tiempo a las tareas domésticas y de cuidado que sus pares varones y tienen menos oferta de espacios para el deporte y la recreación (Imagen: gentileza Una Victoria Lleva a la Otra)Another challenge was territorial negotiation. “We had to negotiate days and times with groups of men around the spaces. In some cases everything was fine, but in others there were situations in which it was evaluated that what was being generated was not good, that it was risky, and another space was sought”, says Procopio.An experienceAnabela Rodríguez is president of the Malvinas Argentinas Club, one of the organizations, which is located in Parque Chacabuco. “The girls came every Saturday. There were two groups of twenty: one from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and the other from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m. Handball, football, hockey and volleyball were practiced. We used a public court and with a lot of effort we managed to get the community to understand that from 10 to 14 that area was for them,” he says.Rodríguez recalls that at first the girls, who mostly lived in Bajo Flores, had very individualistic looks. “A phrase that was frequently heard was ‘if you don’t take care of yourself, no one takes care of you’. In sports, this meant that they did not pass the ball. We work a lot on groupality. At the end of the year the girls said they didn’t feel alone and that being together made them stronger,” she says.Rodríguez anticipates that this month the club will resume sporting events: “The idea is to continue generating proposals for girls and continue working in a gender key”.What is the methodology likeThe slogan was that each neighborhood organization should have a coach and a facilitator. The initiative was implemented by 128 coaches and facilitators. “The program is committed to ensuring that facilitators and coaches are linked to organizations. This is the remaining installed capacity in the territory,” says Daniela Devoto, coordinator of the implementation of UVLO by Fundación SES.The first meetings took place between March and October last year. “We came at a time when many teenagers had lost contact with networking spaces due to the pandemic,” says Lisa Solmirano, a referent for UN Women.The proposal reached 1,236 adolescents living in popular neighborhoods. UVLO succeeded in improving self-confidence and facilitating access to information on health, rights, economic empowerment and financial planning.Los talleres de Una Victoria Lleva a la Otra incluyen, además de la práctica deportiva, espacios de reflexión e información sobre salud y derechos (Imagen: gentileza Una Victoria Lleva a la Otra)
The methodology of the program is inspired by a model developed by the Women Win organization and is based on two pillars: access to sports in safe spaces and development of life skills. This strategy is implemented through four modules that are given within a minimum period of six months, in the format of a workshop of twenty-five participants per group. In the first hour, the participants perform some sports practice conducted by teachers who have been trained in the methodology. In the second hour, the same group of girls participate in rounds of dialogue, theater, video exhibitions and games, among other dynamics that are accompanied by a facilitator.After a first phase of implementation, UVLO concentrates its efforts on disseminating the methodology through seminars and workshops and raising awareness among the private and public sectors about the potential of this type of approach to achieve gender equality objectives. “The program has very high scalability and replicability potential. I think that even in the provinces in the interior of the country it could have more impact,” says Solmirano.On the impacts of UVLO, the UN Women representative says: “With the programme we were able to confirm that adolescent girls are interested in sport if they are offered safe spaces to practice it. There must be more and more sports proposals with a gender perspective. Many of the girls at the end of the program felt empowered and more confident to voice their voices. Another interesting impact was the expansion of community networks. The organizations linked with each other and learned about methodologies for working with this age range.”El modelo de Una Victoria Lleva a la Otra es formar una entrenadora y una facilitadora en cada espacio para que puedan continuar con las actividades de forma autónoma (Imagen: gentileza Una Victoria Lleva a la Otra)The best result: stay togetherMagali Sahakian is 19 years old, studying Technician in Socio-Community Intervention at the National University of Avellaneda, is a futsal player in a neighborhood club and was a UVLO facilitator at a center located in Cildañez. She is a member of the political organization La Colectiva.Fundación SES invited La Colectiva to participate in the program and from the organization they took care of the registration. Flyers were handed out and spread through word of mouth. The meetings were held on Saturdays and the choice was made to practice volleyball.“In the neighborhood where it was my turn, the biggest problem was that girls had a hard time talking. When a question was asked in the space of reflection, no one answered. As the program progressed, trust was built and they opened up a lot. There were very rich debates, in which much was learned. We were able to inquire about issues that we used to have naturalized,” says Sahakian.Today the group is still active and that is the best result. Sahakian summarizes: “The girls organize themselves to play volleyball with each other in Avellaneda Park. They are never going to be alone again, they will no longer feel like they can’t talk to anyone. Weaving nets is a very important thing that changes your life.”_________This note is part of the Solutions for Latin America platform, an alliance between INFOBAE and RED/ACTION.
