Raúl Romero, singer and renowned host of Habacilar lost his patience during Juntos x el Rock, a concert he gave in Arequipa on March 26 with Amen and other invited groups, after the audience shouted “ugly” at him when the first song of his presentation ended.As you can see in the pictures, once his theme song was over, the audience started shouting “ugly” instead of applauding him. This aroused the curiosity of the former vocalist of the Nosequins and the Nosequantos, since he was the only singer who had such a reception unlike other artists who stepped on it. decking.“Oh? Ugly? They are a playful audience, all because they have paid 50 soles. What a smell***. They like ugly ugly, they like the joke. Well, let’s start again,” he said to start again with his show; however, this time he purposely misled to annoy the public. “Good night, Cusco!” , he shouted.This joke caused the attendees to yell “ugly” at him again, which caused Romero to make more jokes about Arequipa. After that, he gave an unusual message: “What singers would allow themselves to joke with the audience like that? They want me, egg***. And I love you, that’s why I tell you, which singer is greeted with ugly, ugly?” .Raúl Romero se presentó en el BTH Hotel Arequipa Lake, el pasado 26 de marzo, junto a otros grupos invitados. (Foto: Captura TikTok/@elvia_up)Tired of talking instead of singing his best hits, Raúl Romero was encouraged to ask: “Who wants me to sing? Let him raise his hand who wants to speak egg***”. Seeing that the majority raised their hands for the second option, the former presenter retired from the stage, throwing the microphone along the way. “Don’t even talk to me, it’s not worth me or m*** (50 soles), it’s not worth anything, with****,” he said at his departure. However, he returned to the stage a few seconds later to continue the show. “They were saved because they already paid me the full contract, so we sang,” he added, making the audience laugh.The images of his presentation soon went viral on TikTok. Although some users believed that Raúl had been angry with the public, the truth is that it was all part of his show. Let’s remember that Romero has accustomed his followers to a singular sense of humor, which he does not hesitate to reflect it in his live concerts.Raúl Romero is upset with the public because they yelled “ugly” at him during a show in Arequipa. (VIDEO: Youtube/ @Blog del Vago – Concerts and Events in Arequipa)WHY DID YOU LEAVE NSQ AND THE NSQ? The group won the hearts of its fans thanks to their live concerts for more than 20 years. However, in 2011, the members decided to take a break. This would have motivated Raúl Romero to leave the band along with his aspiration to become a soloist. In 2013, he announced their definitive separation of the Noseuquans and the Nosecuantos.This is how, in 2014 the popular ‘Cara de Haba’ was released as a soloist so as not to leave one of his great passions as music. In addition, he released his first solo debut album called “Solito” which is in the salsa genre.“The decision to go out as a soloist implies a break with the group, at least, a chapter closure. Those who want to see the Nosewho are going to meet only Raul. I haven’t left the group to be the former singer of the Noseiqui and the great memories. I am betting on a new product,” he said at the time in an interview with RPP.KEEP READING:Magaly Medina teases Brunella Horna for not committing to Richard Acuña after 4 years togetherMagaly Medina recalled that Ethel Pozo and Julián Alexander got engaged after 4 months of relationship: “They are quite intense”This is Guerra: Rafael Cardozo pushes Facundo González hard in the middle of competition and receives heavy sanction